Thursday, May 11, 2006

summer time

Summer time
Good old summer is here again. It’s back to sweaty, sweltering heat and the merciless sun beating down our heads. The heat just seems to get worse every year but that probably our doing….and the threat of global warming is very real. However we do forget to appreciate the few flip sides of summer time.
Ø For one the economy shoots up. The sale of soaps, deos, sunscreens, sunglasses goes up. Not to mention cold drinks, ice cream and bottled water.
Ø There are also fringe benefits without going to an expensive club/gym you enjoys a sauna. And when it starts raining we will have the benefit of steam too.
Ø You actually do the healthy thing and start drinking 8 glasses of water. I think I have reached the mark of 15 glasses
Ø Summer is also good for service industry. Who can resist cinema halls and AC on full blast for 3 hours? There are also malls and restaurants with their super cool Acs.
Ø You save on fuel, as you don’t want to go out in this heat. Yes, even shopping is less enticing
Ø You lose weight. As u sweating even though you are not gymming (and this is just a conjecture)
Ø Mangoes mangoes mangoes
Ø Girls in bikinis (for guys)
So cheer up guys its summer time but the bad news is in mumbai its always summer time…hahahaahh……


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bahinn hinn hinn

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... Sheru.... the one i liked the most is ur experience in the gym..... suprisingly u din tell me dat.... was fun to read... ur developing in a good columnist

5:45 AM  

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